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What do you make of the news which was published a few months back proclaiming that “ontario” believes their current set of ‘human rights code’ covers and provides protection against potential forms of discrimination based on caste? I have lived here for 2 decades, courtesy of a biological casteist savarna family who has busied themselves with serving their white & chinese owners/masters for the past 40 years. There is no anti-racism here, there is no anti-colorism here, there is no anti-casteism here. We are all human-shaped livestock to be herded around by whites & fair-skinned christians. We likely have a greater quality of humanity at our first breath than at our final breath given that this white supremacist society is engaged purely in the performative theatrics of privilege & property, neglecting to implement any basic religion/spirituality independent of capital. I don't believe that the ‘human rights code’ has any positive impact on my life at all, instead it seems to serve as a blueprint for white supremacists, chinese authoritarians (such as those one might encounter in singapura), as well as brahmincal patriarchy which informs them about the latest guidelines to follow so as to ensure minimal liability/accountability/responsibility when implementing their bigotry. I have personally, independently approached several supposed offices, organizations, etc. when faced with insurmountable traumatization through attempting to study, work, exist as a peaceful, non-violent student of Buddhadhamma. At each and every attempt, the only outcome was further traumatization. I am reminded at each and every attempt at asserting my humanity, that I am a n***** in a white world, and that I should “know my place”. Nobody in this nation of tens of millions has the slightest concern for what I have been through, and I am sure that I am not the only individual who has found their attempts to study, work, exist peacefully completely decimated whilst every form of organized bigotry on the planet feeds voraciously at the poisoned, rotten, corpse-filled troughs of capitalism. Their ‘human rights code’ means nothing when it is trivial to subvert any office, organization, or institution through filling them with white supremacists, ensuring that nothing is ever documented, investigated, nor publicized. We suffer our trauma and, if we are lucky enough to survive, slink away to hide from everyone because all they have for us is death through some means or another. Their ‘human rights code’ is worth less than their used toilet paper, their society is perpetually trapped in the petty, pathetic, pointless popularity contests they played in high school. I think this may merely be a way for them to attempt to exert some domination over the savarnas who are otherwise turbocharging the economy here while gleefully ignoring any responsibility towards anti-racism, anti-colorism, anti-colonialism, perhaps connected to recent assassinations. They are paid to participate in the stuntshow of humanity orchestrated by white supremacists, there is no concern towards addressing the rotten corpse of a country that this country has always been.

As my sincere & genuine attempts at attaining an education through the implementation of traversal of The Noble Eightfold Path, regardless of challenges, have completely failed, I am today completely ostracized & totally isolated. I have no job, no career, no family, no friends, not a cent in my name, nothing. Regardless, I can easily view all of the worldly material wealth offered to us through acquiescing to capitalism as worthless if they prevent a traversal of The Noble Eightfold Path and feel not a moment of remorse or regret towards that which I do not need for the attainment of Nibbāna. It makes me doubly proud to see all of those who have been oppressed through caste attaining an education at all of the places where savarnas have also reached, but without a solid, stable, and reliable commitment to humanity.

I take all of your dukkha, past, present, & future.

I give to you all of my joy & happiness.

Jai Bhim


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