Jay Bheem Dr. Suraj Yengde

I like your Dalitality Newsletter. if possible, share its soft copy.

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I hope you are well, dear brother.

I have been thinking about how casteists seem to have leased space from the chinese authoritarians in singapura as well as the white supremacists in places like “canada”, as they always seem to be standing on the same side of the police as the bigoted majority groups. They get to share the spaces with the bigoted majority at any institution, why is this so? The whites and the chinese must be confident that the casteists would never be able to attain any more resources than absolutely necessary. It is as though they have an informal reservation in these countries whereby the whites and chinese can specifically denote a certain set of seats, whether academic or employment, to be reserved for the casteists use who provision these positions through caste networks. Thus, their presence at any of these institutions is never one that constitutes a threat to the whites or chinese - their numbers are managed and controlled, and as they have bothered to build no foundation of their own can only bleat and whine about “hinduphobia” at most. It is quite hypocritical then for them to be whining and crying about reservations in India when outside of India they rely upon these informal reservations provisioned by bigoted, patriarchal groups without which they could not maintain their caste delusion fantasyworld.

Committed to annihilating caste by any means necessary, regardless of whether I am left to die in complete ostracization & total isolation. Jai Bhim, and take care.

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